Orange, CA

Laundry Pickup and Delivery in and near Orange, CA

Is there a pile of laundry amassing in a hamper or corner and weighing on your mind? Then get Orange County's Laundry Go pickup and delivery. Now picking up dirty laundry and delivering fresh, clean laundry to households and enterprises in Orange, CA. Schedule your first pickup today!


Laundry Done In Just Three Simple Steps:

Laundromat Online Account

Create an Account Online

Creating an account only takes 2 minutes.
Handle all your order details online.

Circle Image

Choose Your Pickup & Delivery Dates

Use the service only as often as you need to.  No subscriptions!

Laundromat Does Your Laundry For You

Sit Back & Relax

Why do laundry every weekend?
Treat yourself, and do something fun instead.



Laundry Service Pricing

Pickup & Delivery Pricing

Per Pound

$45 Minimum Order

As Needed
Per Pound

$45 Minimum Order

Try our convenient pick up and delivery service today. Perfect for busy families and individuals.

Laundry Go offers pickup and delivery laundry service to residents and businesses in and near Orange, CA. These pickup and delivery laundry services include residential wash and fold, dry cleaning, and commercial laundry. We service the Orange zip codes of 92856, 92857, 92859, 92861, 92862, 92863, 92864, 92865, 92866, 92867, 92868, and 92869. Schedule today and say good-bye to doing laundry yourself.

While Laundry Go takes the utmost care in washing and folding your laundry, you can spend time away from the washer and dryer. Orange, CA has an iconic downtown scene near Chapman University. Plan a day exploring antique malls and dining at one of the fine restaurants around Plaza Square, more locally known as the Orange Circle. Discover a hidden treasure at the Orange Circle Antique Mall or take the kids to Tiddlywink’s Toys and Games. See the exhibits at Hilbert Museum of California Art. And as the day draws to a close, dine at 1886 Brewing Company. Orange is full of excitement so why stay in and do laundry? Let us pick it up. Schedule today.